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Anhui build website development

Source: Site Popularity: 1199 Published time: 2022-04-06 05:15:27

Basic steps to build a website

One: Create the navigation structure of the site

This step is to build the overall framework of the website design。Note that in the basic structure of the site, the link relationship between the pages should be clear, while taking into account the future scalability, in order to prepare for the modification and development of the website

 2. Collect and sort out relevant information

This includes: the website logo, background image, button image, and the content that the website needs to display。If you have the ability to create your own website, you will be more involved in many graphics, graphics, image processing, 3D animation and other aspects of the software application。This requires you to broaden your perspective of knowledge。Of course, you can find professional artists to design, you can also collect relevant information through various channels, pay attention to the other party's consent when quoting other people's information and articles, and indicate the author and source。

 Three: Organize documents and data, and build a specific website

Before building the website, the page structure of the web page should be designed, that is, several columns and sections need to be designed。Most websites use tables to lay out web pages, but you can also use frames and tables to do it。Generally, the first page produced should be the home page, which is the collection of the essence of the entire website。For web creators, the home page is the most difficult and time-consuming。In order to create a consistent style of website, you also need to create templates and so on。

 Four: Test site

The produced website can be tested locally first to check the browser compatibility of the site and possible wrong links。

How to build a website

Do the website before the salesman will communicate with customers to do what kind of website, including website color, function, menu, column and so on。We can't start until we have that information。Build a websitePre-planning can enter the designer to design the page steps, usually the first design of the homepage renderings, sent to the customer for confirmation。After the customer confirms that it is passed, the column and content page design are entered。If the customer homepage is not redesigned until the customer is satisfied。After the design of the renderings, enter the html page production steps, the html page is done after entering the program development link, the program development should be said to be the most important in the web page, because the construction of website functions, columns are all completed in this link。

Build a website

The advantages of building a website

  1. Greatly reduce the cost of enterprise advertising, so that customers can quickly find relevant information on the network;
  2. Obtain and publish business information at any time, find potential customers, and facilitate transactions;
  3. What enterprises build websites are no longer "passive" readers, but "active" customers with a purpose;
  4. The low demand for building a website does not require a large amount of money investment, and there is almost no risk;
  5. Store product technical information and after-sales service information on the home page, can well complete the after-sales service technical support work of remote customers。

Website price

For building a website, the first and most important thing is website positioning。What does a website do?What is the main target group?What are the characteristics of the target group and so on, similar questions。Understand these to be able to locate with the website, and then determine the design style of the website is what。In addition, when building a website, the design style should be linked to the brand style, a strong brand can make the enterprise stand out in the peers, effectively convey the brand and information, for users to establish a sense of trust in the brand, to help promote the brand。

How much does it cost to build a website

Building website layout to design three elements: page size, commonly used structure, layout trend!

Building website size: In the design of the website to consider the display of different screen sizes, the most basic requirement is to consider the largest and smallest scenes through a reasonable layout, to meet the user's browsing comfort。
Common structure: the construction of websites have a set of universal version of the layout pattern, that is, the header, footer, sidebar and content area, the general layout of corporate websites includes national font, corner type, left and right frame type, upper and lower frame type。
Typesetting trend: some enterprises pay more and more attention to visual effects and the display of corporate image, website layout is no longer stuck in the fixed traditional model, many creative website layout makes typesetting into a new era。

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